Friday, 26 September 2014

S’African victims’ relations vow to sue TB Joshua, LASG begin DNA identification test

Thanduxolo Doro and Mpho Molebatsi, two South Africans who both lost their sisters at the Synagogue building collapse on September 12th have vowed to drag pastor T.B.Joshua to court for what they describe as negligence on the part of the church for not allowing rescue workers help save the victims after the collapse as well as withholding information after the unfortunate incident.
The South Africans who were guests on a BBC programme this week said they are calling on other family members to come forward so that they can unanimously press charges against T.B. Joshua
"I understand that some families are afraid to take on someone who purports to be God’s messenger and I don’t blame them but I will do this. It is not that the building collapsed, rather what was done after the collapse. We didn’t get any news from the church. When I contacted them they wouldn’t tell me anything. We saw reports that emergency workers were denied access initially, access that could have saved lives. The actions of the church after the incident are very telling,”  Doro, whose sister Vathiswa Madikiza died said

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