At the age of 51 Tina Malone shows no signs of settling down into her older age.
year, at the age of 50, the Shameless actress gave birth to her second
child and now she has revealed plans to change her life further by
spending £50,000 on cosmetic surgery.
The Liverpudlian actress says she has never been a looker despite having been born into an attractive family.
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Tina Malone has revealed plans to spend £50,000 on cosmetic surgery in order to turn back her body clock
Tina is embarking on six months worth of procedures in just a few weeks time.
She plans to have her eyes, chin, neck, breasts, underarms and belly nipped and tucked
is not shy of cosmetic surgery and four years ago had a gastric band
fitted losing 11st 4lbs and slimming down to a slender size 8 and
weighing just 8st.

Shameless actress lost 11st after having a gastric band fitted but has
been left with lots of excess skin that she hopes the surgery will

Tina says that she has always
struggled with her looks, here she is pictured before her weight loss as
Mimi in Channel 4's Shamelss
was this sudden weight loss that has caused Tina to go in for further
surgery to get rid of the excess skin she was left with.
reckon I've got around 10lb of skin to get rid of. Then I won't feel
like I'm walking around with two bags of sugar in my knickers!'
put off further surgery because she wanted to have IVF to fulfill her
dream of having a baby daughter, Flame, who is now 10 months old.
gained a little extra weight when she was carrying Flame but has since
lost the weight and now wants to make sure she looks her very best.
'I had the band loosened to feed the baby and I went up to 13st 7lb when I was pregnant with her,' says Tina.

Tina with her second daughter Flame and her husband Paul Chase

At the age of 51 Tina has completely
changed her life with both her dramatic weight loss and the birth of her
second child, Flame just last year
March I had the band tightened and I am now 9st 11lbs and a size 10. I
will be a size 8 again but I want to get rid of the excess skin which,
however hard I work out, I am never going to get rid of.
'I won't look like Cheryl Cole but I want to see what I look like without it.'
says she is extremely excited about completing her body transformation
as she says that she has always battled with her appearance.
'I'm not saying I was smacked with the ugly stick, but I certainly hit a few branches when I fell out of the tree,' she joked.
never been a beauty. I never will be but, for the first time in my
life, I want to make the best of myself and I'm really excited about
surgery will be filmed as part of a documentary series she is currently
shooting looking at weight and obesity, due to be screened next summer.

Tina says that she would love to go on I'm a Celebrity Get Me Out of Here!
The actress wants to lead by example and help others who have struggled with their weight.
will say they are fat and happy but I will tell you they're not,' she
says. 'I've been the fat bird with the diabetes and the breathlessness,
and it's no fun.
will be talking to a woman in Australia who was 30st; young girls in
Nigeria who are sent to fat camps to put weight on to make them more
attractive to tribal chiefs and a 33st lap dancer in Las Vegas. I don't
believe she thinks she is attractive, it's a disguise, a mask.'
hasn't ruled out more reality telly, however. With Big Brother, Splash
and Who's Doing The Dishes under her belt the actress wants to see how
she would do in the Jungle with hopes to appear on I'm A Celebrity, Get
Me Out Of Here!
'I would probably cause murder,' she says.
I got ostracised or bullied because I wouldn't do a trial, I wouldn't
care. So what if they only got beans and rice for tea, I'd tell them:
"I'm here for the money".'
Right now Tina says she couldn't be happier and says that she has never been more satisfied in her own skin.
'People say I look amazing for 51, and I love being 51. I feel 31. In my head, I'm 21.
'This is not clutching at youth. I am comfortable with me – but I will be more comfortable when I have had the work done.'
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